Gina Cook
New Zealand’s tax rules have various concessions for non-residents that allow us to structure a non-resident’s move to New Zealand to maximise the tax benefits available and minimise tax paid while transitioning to New Zealand tax residency. We help reduce the amount of Income Tax payable once here in New Zealand. Our advisors are experts in New Zealand Income Tax and how it applies to migrants and can help avoid costly mistakes before they happen.
We can help with pre-migration and post-migration services including advice on tax residency, structuring and tax efficiency.
Ideally, tax planning should be completed, or at least started, prior to coming to New Zealand. This will allow us to maximise the benefit of the concessional rules and minimise the tax cost from arrival. Tax Planning may involve the use of Trust structures requiring set up while the taxpayer is still non-resident and involve legal advice from a lawyer experienced in this type of work. We have good relationships with legal advisors experienced in this space.
However, if a migrant has already arrived in New Zealand we can still help to navigate the transitional rules that may apply and provide advice and accounting support on the tax implications of various investments under consideration.
Reach out to Gina Cook (Partner) or Kym Minson (Senior Advisor) today for a complimentary no obligation consultation. We can arrange online consultations to suit various time zones.